In Praise of Audiobooks, by a reformed book snob.

It started with The Secret Garden.

In December, I was ill –can’t get out of bed, focus enough to read, or watch a movie kind of sick. I was scrolling and not happy about it. Sick scrolling feels more insidious than regular scrolling. A trip to the bathroom broke the cycle. I surfaced and grasped for an alternative– I’ll try listening to a book.

I have never been an audiobook fan. I didn’t have occasion, like commuting, or I wasn’t a reader and wanted to be. These are the justifications I saw for not actually reading your own books. Though I’d avoided the arrogance of deeming digital books “not real” because there was nothing more miraculous to me than my friend Larry Prater’s gift of an iPad and access to books online when I was in the middle of freaking nowhere in Mexico. Audiobooks did not, however, escape my snobbery.

Fortunately, being pummeled by illness proved a good enough reason to listen to a book and a significantly better option than scrolling. Honestly, I may have continued to scroll, hating myself for it, had I been able to hold up my phone. This was a choice of submission, not valor.

Why did I choose The Secret Garden? Another egotistical endeavor. I had never read it, and it was one of those vexing omissions when taking a stupid “have you read these classics quiz.” I have read Aristophanes, The Clouds, which weirdly comes up on those lists, but not The Secret Garden. In my feverish haze, I decided I could include it on my have-read list if I had listened to it.

This is where I suggest careful consideration before writing a personal blog because you may feel compelled to share embarrassing admissions of affectation.

I downloaded the Libre Vox version read by Karen Savage. Her voice was soothing, and I promptly fell asleep. It was 11 hours long. I heard enough of the book to be entranced through my sleeping, waking, sweating, tossing, and covering state. When I felt better and could stay awake, I listened again. Wow! Who, other than the other millions of readers throughout the last 112 years, knew what a great book this is! I enjoyed it much more in good health. 

Though I pay for YouTube premium, which has tons of audiobooks available, I thought I’d better spend more money and try Audible, at least the free week trial you never cancel fast enough not to be charged for. I already had a couple of books from Audible on my kindle. Neither had I listened to. I tried, but the readers were off-putting. The first, a nonfiction book, was a painful disappointment because it was read by its author, whom I admire. Unfortunately, I hated his voice. The other was read by an actor. This was worse. He used different voices for the characters, even adapting high feminine voices for female characters. I loathed it. Still, I tried the audible subscription and found more of the same, playacting rather than reading books there.

So, I went back to YouTube, and since have discovered hundreds of hours of listening pleasure of books I probably would never have read otherwise. Notably, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes. Of course, I was familiar with the series but had never read them. I’m not a fan of mysteries, but boy could Sir Doyle write great characters and stories; he is my current literary crush.

I admit to sleeping through some of what I listen to, but that’s a bonus because I can listen more than once! It helps if there are timestamps on the chapters, but I will choose a good reader over a better format.

It confounds me why I thought listening to books was less than. I love being read to. I received the incomparable gift of the love of reading from my mother, who read to me before bed every night. Somehow, I felt I didn’t deserve that as an adult. I must do it myself. Earn it. I wonder how often arrogance hides insecurity?

Listening is not reading. That was my argument when I poopooed audiobooks in the past. And it’s true, it’s not, nor is it better than reading. It is its own wonder. We have the stories of the ages in the palm of our hand with a tap of the finger when we desire the luxury and comfort of having them whispered in our ears. It’s truly magical.

How to Read in the Bathtub

My bathtub, setup to read.

My bathtub, set up to read. It’s an upgrade, I have hot water!

I like to read in the bathtub. It’s a particular ritual. But simple.

  • You need a book you don’t mind if it gets a little wet.
  • The book should be episodic, something that’s easy to get back into if you haven’t read it for several days.
  • A dry washcloth, to dry your hands as you shift hands, or splash the book.
  • A glass of cool water. Many say wine, but I find this is one of the few times I truly prefer water to wine.
  • Decent light.

There are many lovely bath accessories for this pursuit, but the five above are the most important.

Finding the right book is the hard part. I read on kindle a lot, but kindle and water aren’t compatible. I gravitate to male authors, but in the bath, maybe it’s the feminine water energy, I prefer female writers. Often, it’s a book I may have tried reading and couldn’t get into, but the bath somehow helps me connect to the writer or story.

Honestly, it can be hard to find a good book, so something specific is more challenging. I have found a genre that is a perfect bath read fit for me though: women’s memoirs. A few of my recent bath reads.

Half Broke Horses is a “true-life” novel but reads like a memoir.  I recommend it if you like stories about tough, smart, resilient women.


One reason I like to read in the bath is I stay there longer. It’s hard for me to be still. I love to be in the water and I want to stay in the bath until the water isn’t hot anymore. I feel I’m wasting water if it’s still hot when I get out.  Reading helps me stay put.

I love to read while doing most anything. Sometimes I read while watching a movie, I know, not great for the focus muscles, but if I’m watching a movie in bed there will be a book next to me, it will flirt with me and win if the movie isn’t engrossing enough.

I have often wondered about the science behind why reading is so satisfying.  Though more social science than brain science, here’s an explanation from Edutopia on why we find reading pleasurable, as children and adults.

In our study, we found that reading pleasure has many forms and that each form provides distinct benefits:

  • Play pleasure/immersive pleasure is when a reader is lost in a book. This is prerequisite to experiencing all the other pleasures; it develops the capacity to engage and immerse oneself, visualize meanings, relate to characters, and participate in making meaning.
  • Intellectual pleasure is when a reader engages in figuring out what things mean and how texts have been constructed to convey meanings and effects. Benefits include developing deep understanding, proactivity, resilience, and grit.
  • Social pleasure is when the reader relates to authors, characters, other readers, and oneself by exploring and staking one’s identity. This pleasure develops the capacity to experience the world from other perspectives; to learn from and appreciate others distant from us in time, space, and experience; and to relate to, reciprocate with, attend to, and help others different from ourselves.
  • Work pleasure is when the reader develops a tool for getting something functional done—this cultivates the transfer of these strategies and insights to life.
  • Inner work pleasure is when the reader imaginatively rehearses for her life and considers what kind of person she wants to be and how she can connect to something greater or strive to become something more. When our study participants engaged in this pleasure, they expressed and developed a growth mindset and a sense of personal and social possibility.

Taken together, these pleasures explain why pleasure reading promotes cognitive progress and social possibility, and even a kind of wisdom and wholeness, and, in a larger sense, the democratic project.

I particularly love the inner work explanation and certainly relate to this as an adult who grew up with reading as a passionate hobby.

My first bath books. Babar's Trunk. Includes; Babar Goes on a Picnic, Babar Goes Skiing, Babar at the Seashore and Babar the Gardener: Books

What are your bathtub reading rituals? Many great minds have had Eureka moments in the tub, care to share yours? I’d love to hear them.


Dune: Movie Review

A couple of things before we begin. I watched this movie on my laptop. Obviously, it was made for the big screen, so a lot was lost in translation. Also, I’m a fan of the Dune series, the first three books I read more than once, though it was over twenty years ago. Herr's Potato Chips

Recently I joined a productivity community called The Lifehack Method, a part of the program is celebrating your wins, with a ¨champagne moment¨. I’m not drinking right now, so I had to come up with something other than champagne to celebrate my new geek status. I chose my favorite chips, and I rented Denis Villeneuve’s Dune from Amazon. It was kind of a big deal because I’m trying not to spend money, since don’t have any income right now.

I am sorry to say I was disappointed. This movie barely scratched the surface of the book. Zendaya’s Chani had about 3 lines. If felt that it was made only to create a franchise. But you could easily do that and get at least to where the sister is born, and more of the messiah story comes into play.  There are 24 books in this series. I wish I had Dune here so I could have a look at how far into the story they got, I feel it is barely a third of the way through.

I would reread Dune again today, but it’s over my 10 dollar limit on kindle since it was recently made into a movie.

I love this cast, but, I feel like they didn’t have much to work with somehow. Odd, since the characters in the book are so rich…surely it can’t be a wholesale bland performance from these talented actors. I have to look to the director.

Everything felt subdued. The books also have a controlled tone, with an undercurrent of magic, ecstasy, and gargantuan all-consuming worms! The sand worms weren’t even impressive. There were a lot of interesting mechanisms, intricate feet of space ships, and dragonfly winged helicopters, which I enjoyed looking at. More than Timothee Chalomet or Jason Momoa.  Very odd.

Mr. Bardem managed to stand out, but he is more magical on screen than a Bene Gesserit with the Gom Jabbar.

Will I see the sequel in 2023?  That will depend on the circumstances. It’s more appealing to look for a used copy of Dune at Goodwill the next time I’m in the states. I will definitely revisit David Lynch’s Dune. Though dated, and not well received when released, I remember it fondly and Lynch made it all the way through book one’s storyline.

What did you think? Have you seen it?  Are you a fan of the series, or this director?  I’d love to hear your take. Which Dune movie do you prefer?




Book Review: The Night Watchman, by Louise Erdrich

I’m reading The Nightwatch Man. It’s by Louise Erdrich. She’s a great writer, this isn’t the first one of her books I’ve read. The Nightwatch Man won a Pulitzer Prize.  It’s a good book. But I’m not enjoying it, and I can’t explain why.

Great books every one.

Some of my Favs.

Ms. Erdrich writes with many of the mechanisms I enjoy: story-driven with minimal description, unique well-developed characters, mysticism.  But for some reason, I have a hard time connecting to her books.  I also read Tracks and Love Medicine. It was some time ago, but what I remember is feeling about the same as I do now, never fully invested, though I liked the other two enough to finish them.

I like the protagonist of The Night Watchman, there’s an important issue at the heart of the story. But I just don’t care what happens from page to page. I feel bad about it. I should care.

It’s not the cultural difference, she writes from a native American perspective.  I’ve read hundreds of books about other cultures, including Native Americans, often connecting on a deep level.

I want to love Louse Erdrich. But I’m going to put this book down for now. This morning a disturbing image from the book was foremost in my waking mind. Though its disturbing aspects are not why I’m not enjoying it. It just doesn’t feel worthwhile to carry these images for the takeaway.

I know some books require the right time. Hopefully, this is one of them.  I wanted her to be a go-to, someone that when I really need a book, I know she’s going to come through. She is that good and so many books! Sadly, we are not meant for each other, and I can’t figure out why.

Have you read this book? Are you an Erdrcich fan? If so, please school me, I feel like I’m missing out.